Enter the Vision Chapel
You smooth your wedding dress with your unsteady hands and draw three cards from the deck for your past, present and future. Candle wax drips on lace, and plumes of incense swirl above your head. The answer is clear. The men play violins around the fire outside of the wagon and clap rhythmically as your cousin shows off his mastery of bear-taming. The wild beast obliges today. Your heart feels full and reassured by these cards. They are a good omen for a long and happy marriage. You place a photograph of your grandmother inside of one shoe and a love letter in the other as lucky talismans. You're ready to draw the blood and soak the bread. Tomorrow you'll be on to the next town.
These earrings are made of re-purposed chandelier pieces and silver wire with copper core, and they measure three inches long. The organically wrapped wire lends stability to the heavy glass prisms. These jewels refract light like there is no tomorrow. They would look great to wear on your own gypsy wedding day, but they could be worn on other days that you feel are special as well. Every day you wear these earrings has the potential to be decadent.